People ask us all the time how we can run a brass smelter 5 miles from downtown Los Angeles, in the state of California
( known for its rigorous EPA standards).
Our answer is we run a smoke free, green, sustainable operation.
For over forty years, CMX has been a pioneer in clean, sustainable processes.
Our operation reflects our dedication to environmental policies, which is why we are leading California businesses in our commitment to maintaining healthy stormwater practices.
When we say we are the gold standard, we mean it.
Our alloys are top tier, because we have the best people. From our foundry operations to our metallurgists and logistics team, we provide a seamless experience that is perfectly encapsulated in the quality of our product.
And don't be afraid to call and ask, if you have any further questions.
We love talking metal.
The business of manufacturing copper-based alloys is thousands of years old.
While the concept is virtually unchanged, CMX continues to introduce innovative processes, leading the industry into the 21st Century.
That's why CMX is the face of C87850 in the North American gravity fed casting industry.
Our motto is "Biltmore quality at skid row prices."
We provide such a custom, detailed experience that many have thought we were a boutique operation.
But no job is too big for our team.
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